
Welcome to my blog! Here you can find recipes, tips, crafts and activities for kids, inspirational thoughts or stories, humor, and whatever else I think would be helpful for myself and others.

If there is something you would like to see on my blog, please send me an e-mail at jenschorr@gmail.com

And please, pass it on to your friends and families!

Have a wonderful day!

Friday, January 6, 2012

My ABC's of Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

My ABC's of Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

A - ability to see miracles every day
B - building forts with pillows and blankets
C - caring for someone else more than yourself
D - dancing to silly songs
E - eating green eggs on Dr. Seuss's birthday
F - finding toys in uncommon places like the trashcan or your shoes
G - going to the library for storytime
H - horsey rides in the living room
I - imagination is used every day
J - just being able to take a 5-minute shower is an accomplishment
K - kisses on scraped knees
L - laughter
M - making silly faces
N - nonsense words
O - observing every holiday with coloring pages, special desserts, and stories
P - picnics in the backyard
Q - quiet? what is that?
R - rainy days are great for staying in your pjs
S - swings and slides at the playground
T - taking a nap with your child
U - understanding "kid talk"
V - visiting friends and family
W - water fights on a hot day
X - eXtra hugs and kisses
Y - yummy snacks
Z - zoo trips

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