
Welcome to my blog! Here you can find recipes, tips, crafts and activities for kids, inspirational thoughts or stories, humor, and whatever else I think would be helpful for myself and others.

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Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The List Queen

I am The List Queen.  That's a self-appointed title.  I make lists for everything from the common, to the uncommon.  Some of the lists I make are:

Grocery list - this is an ongoing, hardly ever empty, list that hangs on the refrigerator.  My family knows that when they use the last of something, they are supposed to write it on this list.  The key word is "supposed".  We had an incident last week where someone forgot to write ketchup on the list.  I thought we had one more bottle, so when I went to get it, I was surprised to find none.  Well, if you know my husband and sons, you know that ketchup qualifies as it's own food group, so not having it was very unpleasant.

To-do list - I have to make myself a list each day if I really want to be productive.  I love the sense of accomplishment I get from crossing off those items.  Bathrooms, Dusting, Wash the Kitchen Floor...I just love seeing those things get crossed off!  I also love to see how much I really can accomplish in a day, if I don't procrastinate.

Packing list - for vacations, I have lists of EVERYTHING we need to pack.  The only stuff not included on the list is my husband's stuff.  I list everything and pack everything for 4 people, and he is old enough to know what he needs.  (However, things like bathing suit, flip-flops, sunglasses and cell phone charger I do tend to check to make sure he remembered.)

Food list - for holidays or get-togethers.  On top of that, I learned a trick from my mom:  write each item you're serving on a slip of paper and put it on/in the dish you will be using for it.  It saves time when you're putting out the food, because you already know what is going on what platter.  Plus, with a list and the platters already labeled, it's almost impossible to forget something you were planning on serving.

Book list - this is actually 2 separate lists.  I have one list of the books I have read, so I don't duplicate when I go to the library.  I also have a list of the books I want to read.  Both lists stay in my purse, so I have them if I am at the library, run in to a bookstore, or whatever.

Things I want to do - I don't want to call it a "Bucket List" because, even though I know I will die someday,  really don't think I need to focus on it.  So, my list is just things I would like to do at some point in nmy life.  I am continuously adding and updating this list.  One thing on my list is to visit all 50 states, so I actually have a sub-list for that, so I can mark off the states I have visited.

I know there are other lists I have, too, but at the moment, I can't think of what they are.  I really need a better way of keeping my lists in one spot though.  I should probably get a notebook that is only used for my lists.

I love notebooks, too, but that is a post for another day.  :)

Have a great day....I'm off to conquer my to-do list.

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